About Your Hosts


Scott  (scottberks)

Scott started geocaching on July 24, 2008 and never looked back. With the then recent purchase of an iPhone, Scott heard about Geocaching and decided to give it a try. One cache was all it took. From then on, Scott has been in and out of forest preserves around the Chicagoland area, and driving up to PnG’s on a regular basis.

An avid “night cacher” and FTF Hound (although he’ll deny it), Scott loves the thrill of the hunt at night. Daytime caching is much too easy.

Some of Scott’s Geocaching accomplishments include:

  • 151 days in a row with a cache
  • 100+ geocache finds in one day (7x)
  • 70+ active hides
  • 400+ FTF’s
  • 31 FTF’s found in one day
  • 10 different caching icons found in 1 day
  • 59 Illinois Challenge caches completed
  • Cached in 15 US states and 2 countries
  • the infamous Challenging Challenge Challenge completed

Scott lives in Elgin, has 2 awesome sons and thanks them all the time for putting up with his “silly little treasure hunting” hobby. He considers himself Walt’s evil twin.

Profile for scottberks

Geocaching Stars

Walt (ShazamMan)

Walt (The Cacher formerly known as ShazamMan)

Walt began his geocaching adventures on July 1, 2007 after buying a nüvi 660 for a road trip to Cape Cod, MA. The nüvi’s manual contained one sentence concerning geocaching that read, “This can be helpful if you enjoy geocaching.”  He quickly looked up geocaching, opened an account on geocaching.com under the screen name of Walt Grogan and the rest is history.

Walt actively caches in the Northwest suburbs, downtown Chicago, and Buffalo, NY (as well as New York City). He has cached in Canada and is looking forward to caching overseas.

Walt enjoys a good urban cache as well as ammo can in the woods.  He surprised himself by finding out that he really enjoys woodland caches (when he’s not tripping over a low-lying branch and falling down, splitting his pants or causing himself some other physical damage).

When Walt’s not geocaching, he’s probably enjoying time with his family, reading a book, watching a movie, or perusing a comic book. His favorite comic book character is Captain Marvel (whose magic word is… Shazam!).

nüvi 660 owner's manual: The one line on geocaching

Some of Walt’s Geocaching accomplishments include:

Walt lives in Arlington Heights with his wife, twin daughters, and two cats. Although they make fun of his hobby, they are happy it gets him out of the house and provides the little exercise he gets.

Profile for Walt Grogan

Walt Grogan: Follow Me on Twitter