76: Talking with n9tog

March 6th, 2013

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: n9tog! That’s right… the originator of tog’s logs is in the house! Plus: Caches! Stories! Tangents! Emails! Contests! Onward to 100!

Podcast 76

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Geo Putt-Putt #3 by sgauss | GC3KDN8 | West Chicago, IL
Ask the Man Who Owns One by whateverky | GC39ZR8 | Hampshire, IL
PNC-1 by tnt63 | GC46YY8 | Deerfield, IL
Olde Brookline by 2n2GeoFam | GC2HPPG | Hampshire, IL

Walt’s Recent Caches

RT66:IL Gettin’ Cozy by searching_simpsons | GC1E4E7 | Springfield, IL
867-5309 / Jenny, Tommy Tutone – 8J:TT by WalkThisWayWalkThisWay | GC3EJNZ | St. Louis, MO
Illini Puzzle – 8) Bell Tower: Flags of Time by johnayuen | GC2ZD9Z | University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana, IL
Big One by coolandcocoa | GC2BVHT | Orland Park, IL

n9tog’s Recent Caches

Randall Road Re-Romp 35 by Mike*E | GC4222X | Elgin, IL
Trying to Recover by R.C.Tells | GC46EGT | Northbrook, IL
Mr. donut by petercacher307 | GC2ZD9Z | Evanston, IL
ARR——-O——->W HEAD-2 by 2n2GeoFam | GC3RTER | Hampshire, IL
My Mate by Twigwig | GC3CXMQ | Evanston, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like a tog’s log, never goes out of style!

Scott: Dude! I can almost see your bike from up here! by EnPleinAire | GC2933Z | Elk Grove Village, IL
Walt: Neptune and the Fisherman by Genius Loci | GCGVTJ | Highland Park, IL
n9tog: Green doors & Spam by Stockguy | GC2CAPM | Chicago, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: TEN 4 ONE? by 2n2GeoFam | GC41EP4 | Hampshire, IL
Walt: Apollo 16 by toppercat | GC465Z8 | Busse Woods, Elk Grove Village, IL
n9tog: THUSA hits 1000, thank you for visiting by astarandson | GC42YHN | Chicago, IL

Various Things Discussed

Geocaching causes bomb scare
As Bill Kurtis leaves CBS, he looks back on a 40-year partnership

Podcast Friday – The Chicago Geocacher Podcast <- Please leave comments, but be respectful. tog’s logs – GC2GZY3 – The Gilland Potion

This Week’s Contest

This week listen for your chance to win a UV flashlight plus UV marker donated by GXProxy.com. And find out who won the super bright Torch flashlight donated by gxproxy.com!

Please check out the following friends of the show




75: It’s a Long One!

February 20th, 2013

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Caches! Stories! Tangents! Emails! Contests! It’s the big 75th show!!

Podcast 75

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

No Re-Train Today by cigarboysmokes | GC44FFX | Barrington, IL
Jster11’s Awesome Family Cache by jster11 | GC3QZTC | St. Charles, IL
The Sidewalk to Nowhere by TSAWSF | GC1RBQY | Elgin, IL
Deer Run by SpongeRob & Family | GCF369 | Elgin, IL

Walt’s Recent Caches

Bakers Bonus by Tzinny | GC3EWQJ | Baker’s Lake, Inverness, IL
Podcast #14: Walt Gets His CLPD Coin by KURJ Productions and CGP Fanclub (aka rikjaxon) | GC3APT4 | Palatine, IL
FC Series: I am Jack’s Complete Lack of Surprise by Elbus & Darth Leviosa | GC3MGKY | Baker’s Lake, Inverness, IL
Nightmare or Close Encounter… You be the Judge by BAT and Princess Margie | GC1FXKP | Baker’s Lake, Inverness, IL
The Larch by Macwin11se & Sunshnface | GC2EXPH | Deer Grove, Palatine, IL
Shapes by pcflet01 | GC3EFRX | University of Illinois @ Champaign-Urbana, IL
The Big U by Mao & Ceuthophilus | GC8C2A | University of Illinois @ Champaign-Urbana, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the University of Illinois, never goes out of style!

Scott: The Gem of Rogers Park by HelloNinja | GC13K9F | Chicago, IL
Walt: 10 Years! – Sweet Home Chicago by geckl69 | GC29KBX | Chicago, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: GIRL SCOUT DEDICATION: 1912/2012 by 2n2GeoFam | GC31X8V | Elgin, IL
Walt: Ruby’s Outstanding Cache by geogil | GC143Y0 | Baker’s Lake, Inverness, IL

Various Things Discussed

Geocaching no longer a hidden secret
He’s hidden 1,213 adventures

FLC – Elk Grove: Take Me Out to the Deli on Facebook

This Week’s Contest

This week listen for your chance to win a super bright Torch flashlight donated by GXProxy.com find out who won the Geo-Pup trackable also donated by gxproxy.com!

Please check out the following friends of the show




74: Occasional Reverb. No idea.

February 7th, 2013

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Caches! Bomb Scares! Reverb! LEO Encounters! Emails! Milestones! Contest!

Podcast 74

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Sky-Hi by CFIA | GC2Y6NC | Lombard, IL
Deicke Dells by tenof16 | GCGVF6 | Huntley, IL
Who shot J.R.? by n9tog | GC41YJR | Northbrook, IL
Solid Gold! Shannonigan finds 2000!! by ralphmjw | GC3QV5X | Villa Park, IL

Walt’s Recent Caches

Bugsy’s Brother Bubba by TomEagle55 | GC3HM7X | Busse Woods, Schaumburg, IL
Silly Questions We Ponder by BAT and Princess Margie | GC2RG4V | Busse Woods, Schaumburg, IL
Tim & Slim Go Geocaching #1 by Tim & Slim | GC36VK7 | Busse Woods, Schaumburg, IL
Stuff in the Waterway by EnPleinAire | GC2XWD5 | Busse Woods, Schaumburg, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the size of Scott’s car, never goes out of style!

Scott: Cache and Release – Master Angler by BAT | GC18WNA | Busse Woods
Walt: Animal House by tskyrocket | GCQAK4 | Paul Douglas Preserve, Hoffman Estates

Caches of the Show

Scott: Carcassonne #12 by AngelusCowl | GC3THJ5 | Saint Charles, IL
Walt: SB5K: Spice World [Final] by Spice Girls (AKA KodyDog00) | GC3776K | Busse Woods, Schaumburg, , IL

Various Things Discussed

Scott Tzinberg – Divorce Layer Chicago
Suspicious Package in Warren County

Suspicious object found on Glendale power pole determined to be safe

Freedom Lives by 3pear | GC341J6 | Busse Woods, Schaumburg, IL

This Week’s Contest

This week listen for your chance to win an Official Geo-pup! trackable donated by IrishCubsFan and find out who won the CITO trackable coin donated by IrishCubsFan!

Please check out the following friends of the show




73: Brevity!

January 22nd, 2013

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: A short one! Very little news and a few emails! But we do have caches! And milestones and a new contest!

Podcast 73

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

I’m a Doctor Jim, not a… by bwfc1 | GC43F72 | Buffalo Grove
Rock & Roll (Electric Guitar) by 4thegirlz | GC3BFDC | Addison
Hot Stuff by The Intoxicator | GC43HM8 | Roselle
Get-Smart #3 by tnt63 | GC448XP | Schaumburg

Walt’s Recent Caches

More Druids?! by WhoIsJenGalt | GC3XNNM | Naperville, IL
The Red Bison Tube by Francis Scott Hydeakey (aka Greenback) | GC3VYYF | Naperville, IL
Bring Your Ninja Monkey 3 by EnPleinAire | GC3BBGP | Busse Woods, Schaumburg, IL
We love you Denver, city by the bay (#12) by BigB92 and VanGel415 | GC3K5N6 | Palatine, IL
Tom Swift and his Automatic Substitute Boy Scout by Genius Loci | GC29MM2 | Highland Park, IL
In Vino Veritas by Uhny Uftz | GC3G1H0 | Busse Woods, Schaumburg, IL
SB5K: Spice Girls Micro [Scary in Skokie] by DinaWorks | GC377FY | Skokie, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the brevity of a short show, never goes out of style!

Scott: Scottberks’ 999th by eyeseeit | GC1VG34 | Buffalo Grove
Walt: Find This… by BAT & Princess Margie | GC1JGY8 | Busse Woods, Schaumburg, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: Home is Where the Army Sends Us by NoodleBean | GC41K53 | Northbrook
Walt: ADTTMOT #11: Temporary Kings by Twigwig | GC448VF | Chicago Loop, IL

Various Things Discussed

Those wishing to donate to the help the victims and their families can donate to the West Webster Volunteer Firemen’s Association at this URL:

A fund has also been established for the surviving children of Mike Chiapperini at this URL:

This Week’s Contest

This week listen for your chance to win a CITO trackable coin donated by IrishCubsFan and find out who won the toppercat brand paracord bracelet donated by toppercat!

Please check out the following friends of the show


