This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: It’s 99! Next Episode is the Live Spectacular!
To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!
Scott’s Recent Caches
Walt’s Recent Caches
A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like 99 episodes, never goes out of style!
Caches of the Show
Various Things Discussed
ScribbleScribe writes: A member of our group from SE Wisconsin “The Wild Bunch” has fallen on hard times as of late. Not just financially but in her health. Please mention this on the podcast and if you would post the following address on the show notes. Her caching handle is Spark Seeker. She is a super nice lady whom I have had the privilege to cache with. It brings me to tears to not only think of the pain and agony of fighting cancer but also the worry of having enough money pay for the treatments.
A Prayer for Rick Jackson
Chicago Geocacher 100th Episode Live Spectacular!
Chicago Geocacher 100th Episode Lunch Spectacular!
The Nicholas Helman Ricin Case: Beware of the Jilted Nerd
Treasure seekers everywhereBASTROP ACCORDING TO KEN: A website for bridge spitting
This Week’s Contest
No contest this episode!
Please check out the following friends of the show
Magellan GPS