97: Jewish Boy Scouts & Lab Caches

February 5th, 2014

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: It’s 97! Two more regular episodes left!

Podcast 97

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Ghostly Encounters #02 by Greenback | GC4VFE2 | Bolingbrook, IL
By The Stream by Geofogies | GC4461J | Northbrook, IL
SL-2 The Little One by tnt63 | GC478EW | Northbrook, IL
Boardwalk Blues by TSAWSF | GC478EW | Pingree Grove, IL

Walt’s Recent Caches

This is not a challenge cache … by halizwein | GC39CD9 | Skokie Lagoons
Skokie Lagoons Hike #4 by birdman (adopted by KU Jayhawk) | GC2N4DX | Skokie Lagoons
SL-2 The Little One by tnt63 | GC478EW | Skokie Lagoons


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like pro-semitism, never goes out of style!

Scott: Devin’s Trifecta – Truck, Tools, and Bike by TomEagle55 | GC286ZE | Palatine, IL
Walt: Clean your basement by eyeseeit | GCWQN1 | Dam 1 Woods

Caches of the Show

Scott: what a dump by junkerman321 | GC27F06 | Hampshire, IL
Walt: Godzilla vs Ziggy by elbus | GC38JF0 | Near Penny Road Pub, IL

Various Things Discussed

Geocachers hunt for buried treasure and new adventures
Confessions of a national park ranger

This Week’s Contest

No contest this episode!

Please check out the following friends of the show

Magellan GPS

96.5: Velveeta Tangent – Liquid Gold!

January 23rd, 2014

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: It’s a brutal winter tangent! The Captain & Tennille! Velveeta! Women’s Libidos! Sugar Free Gummi Bears! Justin Bieber! Lindsay Lohan!

What’s a tangent episode? It’s just Walt & Scott speaking completely off the cuff about whatever is on their minds. If you like that kind of stuff, you may like this one. If you don’t, then you definitely won’t! No Geocaching talk allowed!

Podcast 96.5

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Beware Of The 5 lb. Bag Of Sugarless Gummy Bears On Amazon.com – The Reviews Are Priceless!

Super Bowl Disaster: A Shortage of Velveeta!

‘Anorexic’ doll provokes outrage: ‘Deeply worrying’ toy which shuns food should be banned, say campaigners

Law Offices of Scott Tzinberg – Divorce Lawyer Chicago

96: Danger Zone!

January 16th, 2014

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Hey, we’re in episode 96. Do you really think we’re going to change things up now?!?

Podcast 96

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Skuzinomics 101:The Dead Man’s Tale Entry 1 by Skuzzy13 | GC46HM5 | Sycamore, IL
Belvidere Multi-cache by RebelGTP & Smurfy98 | GC3GJNE | Belvedere, IL
Classic Retro Games – Pole Position by pawprintlogic1 | GC4VK69 | Bartlett, IL
Just a squirrel, tryin’ to get a nut…. by DaFia TreTy | GC2J44Q | Schaumburg, IL

Walt’s Recent Caches

The Big Sgausski (Take 2) by Greenback | GC4TKE9 | Arlington Heights, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like anytime Johnny Bench calls, never goes out of style!

Scott: Drive the Drive – The Anti-Anti-Micro Challenge by Siamese Retriever | GC2M379 | Chicago, IL
Walt: UAL Flight 0105 – ORD to LAX by beabird | GC15GPK | Winfield, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: Don’t Fence Me In Travel Bug Resort by miataman95 | GC1NK48 | Sycamore, IL
Walt: Wheels00: A 10K Tribute by DinaWorks | GC4TN19 | Busse Woods, Schaumburg, IL

Various Things Discussed

Milestones and Extremes Geocacher Maps
Chicago Geocacher Podcast 100th Episode Commemorative Coin!
Jason Lee puts Decatur on geocaching map
Law enforcement officials express concerns over geocaching

This Week’s Contest

Listen to the show to enter to win a GXProxy log roller and listen to hear who won a GXProxy log roller from our good friends @ GXProxy.com!

Please check out the following friends of the show

Magellan GPS

95: Christmas Comes Early for Scott!

December 17th, 2013

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: More of the stuff you love! News! Emails! Contests! Milestones! Question of the Show! You know what’s coming, so start listening!

Podcast 95

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Rosemary’s Baby by Darth Leviosa | GC4QMG4 | Palatine, IL
Sam The Butcher by Jen*Jen | GC4CNE9 | Roscoe, IL
He Who Smelt It… by BDKnel | GC4QPYM | Schaumburg, IL

Walt’s Recent Caches

Christmas Tree Cache by Serendipity!! | GC2JJ74 | Chicago, IL
Bill’s Cache by abear75 | GC4AFZF | Chesterfield, MO
Tour De Levee: A Random Start by chod | GC2JC2Q | Chesterfield, MO


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like Scott’s love of chicken flavored soup, never goes out of style!

Scott: ”Rosebud” by blackdogivy | GC28NA7 | Wauconda, IL
Walt: The Other End of the Road to Nowhere by mongoose66 | GCQA62 | Glenview, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: Deep Dish Ressurrected by FerretBandits | GC4MAXK | Rolling Meadows, IL
Walt: Q’s I-55 TB Hotel by Major_Boothroyd | GC4NDY0 | Springfield, IL

Various Things Discussed

Chicago Geocacher Podcast 100th Episode Commemorative Coin!

This Week’s Contest

Listen to the show to enter to win a GXProxy log roller and listen to hear who won a GXProxy trackable proxy from our good friends @ GXProxy.com!

Please check out the following friends of the show

Magellan GPS