65: Talking with Dutchlandian & Michael Hosp

September 12th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Scott & Walt talk with Dutchlandian & Michael Hosp. That’s right Ans is in the house! And with Mike Hosp to boot! We have another bomb scare and oodles of news, emails and milestones.

Podcast 65

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Scamp Remembered Dave216 | GC3R19E | Lake Forest
PR: An Awesome View of Busse Dinaworks | GC3VKR9 | Elk Grove Village
Ziggy Vs DIRK PITT #2 Matthew McConaughey ziggy1fan | GC3FDHV | Waukegan

Walt’s Recent Caches

1500 Chances to Shoot Your Eye Out by G.O. John and Carol | GC2GEM1 | Yorkville, WI
Eagle by joeseppis4 & OLD RANGER (adopted by Pack91) | GCNMDT | Yorkville, IL
Vogon Poetry by badlands | GC2840B | Yorkville, IL
The Vault 2.0 by toppercat | GC3FA6B | Busse Woods, Elk Grove Village, IL
Scott by KeeganC | GC3AKZP | Busse Woods, Elk Grove Village, IL

Michael Hosp’s Recent Caches

Stone Faced camp637 | GC8FBF | Chicago
PR: Johnny Appleseed Might Have Been Here TomEagle55 | GC3VQ05 | Elk Grove Village
ADTTMOT #5: Casanova’s Chinese Restaurant Twigwig | GC3PVPG | Park Ridge
GMT Bonus #1 Hit of the 80’s Livin’ On A Prayer Greenback | GC3QBGQ | Joliet
A Tree Search for the Lunch Crew. Sycoscouter and Lil’Nell | GC3QNM4 | Sycamore

Dutchlandian’s Recent Caches

1500 Chances to Shoot Your Eye Out GJAC | GC2GEM1 | Yorkville


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like a dyke in Holland, never goes out of style!

Scott: Chicago’s Water Tower baloo&bd | GCMDAX | Chicago
Walt: One Eyed Willy by Rich.Rates | G20CVJ | Palatine, IL
Michael Hosp: Hole In The Wall – Cavern Overlooking the River Fishnic | GC1DAN2 | Niles

Caches of the Show

Scott: Operation A.P.E. – Mission 8: Grape Juice+ Walt Grogan | GC3CRAD | Arlington Heights
Walt: Scout Master by joeseppis4 & OLD RANGER (adopted by Pack91) | GCNME3 | Yorkville, IL
Michael Hosp: Operation A.P.E. – Mission 8: Grape Juice+ Walt Grogan | GC3CRAD | Arlington Heights

Various Things Discussed

the Fly Patch

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of a Geocaching patch donated by GroundSpeak.

Please check out the following friends of the show


64: Let’s Get Physical

August 30th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Scott & Walt discuss West Bend, we have another bombscare and oodles of news, emails and milestones. Plus, Walt gives us an unexpected “Walt’s Logs”.

Podcast 64

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Tornado Place Ecorangers | GCQ4Q6 | West Bend, WI
She’s A LOOKER! Ecorangers | GC2MY6D | West Bend, WI
Which way the Witch went Cachyew | GC3MN0D | Lake Zurich
Twinkie Cachyew | GC3NCBT | Lake Zurich

Walt’s Recent Caches

1164 Shrek’s Hideout. by by WBA Chamber | GC2ZAD1 | West Bend, WI
ApotheCarrie’s Logic: Numbers Count by ThePharmGirl | GC1E13D | West Bend, WI
Stumped by elocin615 | GC3QGRQ | Rolling Meadows, IL
Eisenbahn Surprise by Ba$her | GC3J95W | West Bend, WI


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like a West Bend Cache Bash, never goes out of style!

Scott: CCX – The Fountain of Youth Panther in the Den | GC1JX7T | Chicago
Walt: Finkl Industries by alarm Clock w/ house! (adopted by PiD) | GCNB54 | Chicago, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: Flint Creek Kevali | GCKA03 | Barrington
Walt: Polyhedron by toppercat | GC3Q4RT | Glenview, IL


PandaChic found Ahhhh Life’s Good

Various Things Discussed

VSP Clears Suspicious Package Situation at VDOT Memorial
what a view in Virginia

Virginia Land Use Rules

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of a sprinkler head cache donated by Walt and listen for this week’s contest which features a 10 Year Groundspeak trackable donated by TeamAlexAbby!

Please check out the following friends of the show


63: Mega. Wisconsin. Booze. LIVE!

August 12th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: We come to you once again LIVE from West Bend, Wisconsin at the 5th annual Cache Bash Mega Event! Scott and Walt live with an audience and booze? Anything can happen… Even when the hosts are tardy!

Podcast 63

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

O F U #1: ScottBerks Loves A Good Caulk Hide MGb | GC3RRMQ | Hoffman Estates

Walt’s Recent Caches



A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like free beer at a Mega event, never goes out of style!

Scott: 🙁
Walt: 🙁

Caches of the Show

Scott: W6K #38: Celebrating Wheels00’s 6,000th Find DinaWorks | GC3MM44 | Chicago
Walt: Perkins Cemetery LuvWahoo: the Single Ghoul | GCPA5N | Ohio

Please check out the following friends of the show


62.5: A-Tisket, A-Tangent

August 7th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Another tangent episode? Yep! Rather than make you wait all the to West Bend, KMHiker twisted our arms and made us do a show! OK, not really. Anyway, here’s another all tangents episode. Just Walt & Scott speaking completely off the cuff about whatever is on their minds. If you like that kind of stuff, you may like this one. If you don’t, then you definitely won’t!

Podcast 62.5

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!