62: Scatological

July 25th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: We chat with the West Bend Cache Committee, kinda! Walt talks about an ancient embarrassing adventure. We also have some news, we get some new in and out-of-state as well as international listeners, we read some mail, & honor some milestoners.

Podcast 62

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Cheers to Drank for #1000! AKiteFlier | GC3M5HF | Mundelein
Everyone Learns By Using Satellites: The Ninja Elbus | GC37BXG | Barrington
TFE Series: Leeloo – The Fifth Element Elbus | GC3GCNQ | Barrington
Crap! Crap! Crap! Walt Grogan | GC3CRAP | Mount Prospect

Walt’s Recent Caches

Revenge of the Toppercat by toppercat | GC3FA5Z | Elk Grove Village, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like a little deuce coupe, never goes out of style!

Scott: Reel It In Hutt & Mattster | GCJ3FW | Northfield
Walt: Brass Ball Corner by bluesquirtles | GCYQ6T | Salem, WI

Caches of the Show

Scott: FC Series: Tyler Durden Elbus & Darth Leviosa | GC3M5A0 | Barrington
Walt: TFE Series by elbus | GC3GCM9 | Barrington, IL


In Plane Site! by Steel Daisy

Various Things Discussed

Treasure hunters lured to tourist destinations with geocaching

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of a sprinkler head cache donated by Walt and listen for this week’s contest which features a 10 Year Groundspeak trackable donated by TeamAlexAbby!

Please check out the following friends of the show


61: Deliverance

July 11th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: We’re back after nearly a month! We recap our tangent episode, report on a bomb scare, we get a new international listener, we read some mail, & honor some milestoners. Who will we offend this week?

Podcast 61

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Starting (very) Small djwhouse | GC3K00J | Lake Zurich
Pump It UP, Jr.! – Niles Dinaworks | GC3N4TH | Niles
#2 Trail Head cachyew | GC34Z67 | Wauconda
NSBP #14 tnt63 | GC30NCC | Libertyville
The Metallic Zoo EatSleepGeocache | GC3NR36 | Glenview

Walt’s Recent Caches

Melting Pot Park by akela132 | GC3Q05N | Arlington Heights, IL
Festivus II – Quone by BDKnel and EnPleinAire | GC38HTT | Schaumburg, IL
Reflections by Scott & Peggy (kayak30) | GC1VYBN | Beecher, IL
Alintime Graduates College by Alintime | GC3KDDQ | Burbank, IL
“Wrong Turn” by kayak30 – Scott & Peggy | GC3E1H3 | Peotone, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the wealth of Christian Grey, never goes out of style!

Scott: FACE OFF by cachew nut | GCNJ5G | Chicago
Walt: FACE OFF by cachew nut | GCNJ5G | Chicago, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: The Empire Strikes Back Darth Leviosa | GC3PK1Q | Buffalo Grove
Walt: The Salz69 Trail by Salz69 | GC3FDER | Monee, IL

Various Things Discussed

Cave Creek man, 79, found dead
Suspicious object prompts evacuation of Marshall Walmart

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of a Rite-In-The-Rain notebook and Groundspeak pencil donated by Walt! and listen for this week’s contest which features a sprinkler head cache donated by Walt!

Please check out the following friends of the show


60.5: Tangentially Yours

July 2nd, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Hold-the-phone! Wasn’t last week supposed to be the podcast week? Yep! But we’re not doing that until next week. Here’s another all tangents episode. Just Walt & Scott speaking completely off the cuff about whatever is on their minds. If you like that kind of stuff, you may like this one. If you don’t, then you definitely won’t!

Podcast 60.5

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

60: Do You Have a Spare 3 Hours?

June 13th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Scott covers his Denver trip with KodyDog00 and WyoKrewe, Doug reports on another Canadian Bomb Scare, Walt covers his PC woes, we read some mail, honor some milestoners, and we try to call Ally! Oh yeah — there are a LOT of tangents and we’ll probably have to apologize to a geocacher on the next episode!

Podcast 60

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Odd Box indeliblemind | GC32FDE | Denver, CO
Revenge of the Toppercat Toppercat | GC3FA5Z | Busse Woods
Coppers Dicks & Gumshoes 25 ziggy1fan | GC2XQF8 | Elgin
Reflections kayak30 | GC1VYBN | Beecher

Walt’s Recent Caches

DGB #8 AKA Adam’s Rib Series #2 by Wheels00 | GC1PF8N | Harwood Heights, IL
DGB #5 Lenell Cookies by Wheels00 | GC1M8X0 | Harwood Heights, IL
Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend~1 by lele2 | GC1ZCFZ | Elmhurst, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the wealth of Christian Grey, never goes out of style!

Scott: Get Your BEARings BAT | GC16F2A | Busse Woods
Walt: Multi-Purpose Multi-Cache by eyeseeit | GC1FTFG | Buffalo Grove, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: The “Salz 69”: #1 Salz69 | GC3FDER | Monee
Walt: AIRGUIDE 2000 by Mr. Pickles | GC3C9XT | Elmhurst, IL

Various Things Discussed

‘Pipe bomb’ really just geocache, West Shore RCMP say

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of the unactivated Geico Gecko Travel Bug (donated by KeeganC) and listen for this week’s contest which features a Rite-In-The-Rain notebook andGroundspeak pencil donated by Walt!

Please check out the following friends of the show
