59: The Show Goes in One Direction!

May 30th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Surprisingly, Scott has a LEO encounter, Doug and Bill report on Bomb Scares, the winner of the RealDealBrazil.com hat is revealed, we talk about an up-and-coming-boy band, we read some mail, honor some milestoners, we have a guest in the house… and Scott and Walt guess a cacher’s weight… in stones!

Podcast 59

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

The Devil wears it! rbc123 | GC3JFQ9 | Busse Woods
DP IL #7 – Scooter’s Multi GeoDAM | GC2QW8M | Aurora
Captain Flint’s Treasure stashtracker | GC10Q56 | Lisle
What’s Up Dock? imadonkeymoo | GC3KDHF | Long Grove
The Descent Darth Leviosa | GC3KDHF | Buffalo Grove

Walt’s Recent Caches

S.L.A.P. #1 by Slap Master Jay | GC282KX | Oak Brook, IL
LFT – Queen’s Landing by Panther in the Den | GC3GJFW | Chicago Loop Lakefront
Beware of Dog by Coyote Curve by Uhny Uftz | GC3AKQE | Palatine, IL
The Great Western Trail – #1 Beginning by pawprintlogic1 | GC3GN30 | Lombard, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the head of hair on Harry Styles, never goes out of style!

Scott: Journey To The Center of Northbrook Tzinny | GC22WXA | Northbrook
Walt: Letters Carried to The Fonz by Uncle Fun | GC1FGFC | Milwaukee, WI

Caches of the Show

Scott: Over the river and thru the woods case26 | GC3KV6N | Prospect Heights
Walt: SearchParty5 Rocks! 1000+ by Dogwood6 | GC3EQ9X | Mt. Prospect

Various Things Discussed

Geocaching Game Prompts Bomb Scare (in Toronto)
Suspicious Device Was Part of Geocaching Game (in Dallas)
First to Find by Mark Gessner
Lots of emails about last episode.

One Direction — What Makes You Beautiful

Jedward — Under Pressure/Ice Ice Baby

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of the really cool hat (donated by RealDealBrazil.com) and listen for this week’s contest which features a Geicko Gecko (donated by KeeganC)!

Please check out the following friends of the show


58: Talking with KeeganC

May 10th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: KeeganC is in the house! We learn if Walt makes any money off of Scott. Walt recounts the MOGA adventure weekend. Scott tells us about his upcoming trip to Colorado and Walt tells us about a new cache in his honor… in Georgia! And we get presents! All this plus… a new contest with a cool prize, news, emails, milestones and the question of the show!

Podcast 58

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

SearchParty5 Rocks! 1000+ Dogwood6 | GC3EQ9X | Mount Prospect
Return of Kurtooch’s 1000th Find TomEagle55 | GC3CXX5 | Schaumburg
This Ain’t My First Barbeque! MGb Music | GC3FNHN | Streamwood
I C D Tree DrBill | GC157KT | Streamwood

Walt’s Recent Caches

Swing or Sit, Who Gives A Flip! by sabow2&deederdad | GC16JFE | Columbus Junction, IA
Do You Remember When TV by biscuitt bunch & G-DAUG | GC31WQJ | Colfax, IA
Flying Squirrel’s Are Nuts by bigdoublej | GC39PMV | Reasnor, IA
Frog Shrine by bigdoublej | GC3C1YN | Mystic, IA
Tyrannosaurus Rex by toppercat | GC2W0HE | Palatine, IL

Keegan C’s Recent Caches

Dirty Mouth? Moustache by Mentha Stannum (AKA ralphmjw) | GC3G3NE | Addison, IL
Fairy Tale Fantasies #2 The Big Bad Wolf by ziggyfan1@aol.com | GC3HE25 | Elgin, IL
Podcast #40: It’s Glorious! by KURJ Productions and CGP Fanclub (AKA rikjaxon) | GC3AJQA | Roselle, IL
Another Random… High 5! by ralphmjw | GC3C4V5 | Glendale Heights, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, unlike a Timmy Ho’s donut, never goes stale!!

Scott: FTF Hound #6 – TMLLAA RheS | GC1A3F7 | Prospect Heights
Walt: Cache and Release Master Angler by BAT | GC18WNA | Busse Woods, Elk Grove Village, IL
KeeganC: “You Puzzle Me” by Dutchlandian | GC2WFHK | Lisle, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: Edward Rooney’s Test Cache Edward Rooney | GC386P6 | Lincolnshire
Walt: Who first developed this area in the 1830s? by River Action | GC366YM | Davenport, IA
KeeganC: CUSIP by goinkers | GC3EH75 | Naperville, IL

Various Things Discussed

Lots of emails about Timmy Ho’s!
Magic News Wire

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of a sprinkler head cache (donated by Team Tardis) and a Canadian Geocacher Sticker (donated by www.debbiedoesdecals.com. And enter our new contest for a swanky prize!!

Please check out the following friends of the show


57: Scott Makes Walt a Generous Offer… To Do What?!?

April 26th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: We chit-chat about caches we done lately, read some mail, honor some milestoners and announce the contest winner… and oh, yeah, Scott offers Walt a thousand dollars.

Podcast 57

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

TraditionalNo Parking after 12am Birdman270 | GC3C532 | Morton Grove
TraditionalLightning Bolt CFIA | GC2RB25 | Glen Ellyn
MultiGONIL Bike Path Clean up VIII psychoVW & AKiteFlier | GC3GNGX | Libertyville

Walt’s Recent Caches

Traditional3rd In A Row – Tzinny This Is For You by G&G1 | GC31ZGF | Mundelein, IL
UnknownIt’s Here by The simplicator | GC3FBXX | Mundelein, IL
TraditionalGoing “Batty” by Doctor-Who | GC3F1RK | Mt. Prospect, IL
UnknownMigratory Bird Sanctuary by Greenback | GC3DWZW | Waveland Park – Chicago, IL


A TopperCache™ is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like a generous helping of Canadian Bacon, never goes out of style!

Scott: TraditionalWatch the Minutes Go By RIAVGD | GC1N361 | Algonquin
Walt: UnknownA Lotta View by Matt and Beth | GC1RDMG | Chicago – River West

Caches of the Show

Scott: TraditionalThis is not a challenge cache halizwein | GC39CD9 | Northbrook
Walt: UnknownI’m on a {Sushi} Roll! by TKDLiss | GC3EYV7 | Chicago Loop

Various Things Discussed

Lots of emails about last episode.

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of a a Groundspeak Geocaching logo patch (donated by Team Tardis) and there’s two new contests this week!

Please check out the following friends of the show


56.5: All Tangents, All The Time…

April 17th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Wait-a-minute? This isn’t a podcast week! You’re right, it isn’t. We had to test Scott’s new OS upgrade and decided to just hit record and shoot the breeze. There’s not a lot of geocaching content in this one. It’s basically all tangents. Just Walt & Scott speaking completely off the cuff about whatever is on their minds. If you like that kind of stuff, you may like this one. If you don’t, then you definitely won’t!

Podcast 56.5

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!