56: The Return of the Interminable Podcast

April 12th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: What’s going to happen? A 10-minute podcast, perhaps? Or do we go longer? We hit on our favorite caches, read some mail, honor some milestoners and announce the contest winner!

Podcast 56

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

The Challenging Challenge Challenge- Redux COD | GC3BF4C | Matteson
Falcor and the Bonobos The Machine | GC1294F | North Aurora
FUL-ROY Gazebo Greenback | GC2M6K6 | Northlake
Revenge of The Doctor Doctor Who | GC3F5Y2 | Palatine
Come 2 the Quiet DJPD1023 | GC3DX98 | Barrington

Walt’s Recent Caches

Ground Zero – Chicago, IND by Panther in the Den | GC3EXFN | Chicago Loop
Cabin Fever – Get Froggy! by EnPleinAire | GC3CVPX | Des Plaines
Cabin Fever Yurt by KURJ Productions | GC3CMJA | Mt. Prospect, IL


A TopperCache is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like a Louisiana Saturday Night, never goes out of style!

Scott: Pine-ing Away eyeseeit | GC1TYRP | Buffalo Grove
Walt: East of Eden(s) by geofogies | GC12NTE | Winnetka, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: LPC-NOT SpyderUser | GC1QNA6 | North Aurora
Walt: Cabin Fever – Feeling Caged In? by EnPleinAire | GC3CVQV | Des Plaines, IL

Various Things Discussed

Bremerton police warn geocachers to stay away from headquarters
Where did Scott get his amazing hat? Listen to the show to find out why is he so in love with the company!

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of a pre-owned Walgreens pill bottle and a nano cache and a GONIL Pathtag (donated by DinaWorks) and there’s a new contest for a Groundspeak Geocaching logo patch!

55: Listener Feedback

March 29th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: We respond to listener feedback, give a couple of shout-outs both domestic and international. We hit on our favorite caches, read some mail, honor some milestoners and announce the contest winner!

Podcast 55

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Mr. Mumbles and Speed Freak Ralphmjw | GC3EP1B | Westchester
Dina Works over 2000 Geocaches Wheels00 | GC2WAJB | Park Ridge
Mushy Mushy cachyew | GC2B24F | Schaumburg

Walt’s Recent Caches

Blue is the Best Color Ever! 6 by tweetybugs | GC2JPZJ | Coraopolis, PA
kerrillb Hits 1000! by Chargeman | GC2J3YD | Catherine Chevalier Woods, Chicago, IL
The Micromanaging Challenge by mgbmusic | GC3ENX9 | Chicago, IL
This Place Needs a Bison! by shannonigan | GC2R9RA | Catherine Chevalier Woods, Chicago, IL
Your Princess is in another cache. by mcnabb579 | GC3EK9R | Camp Pine Woods, Glenview, IL


A TopperCache is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the strength of the suggestion box, never goes out of style!

Scott: Trap Crackers V – Nano in a Pine Tree MGb | GC1ZY4H | Park Ridge
Walt: A Tree with Plumbing? by tskyrocket | GC1R6HW | Paul Douglas Forest Preserve, Hoffman Estates, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: Back Atcha BAT – The Devil Went Out to Douglas by TomEagle55 | GC2A2F1 | Schaumburg
Walt: IrishCubsFan’s 2000th – Clear & Precise Directions by ICF’s Irish Friends | GC3E3HR | Catherine Chevalier Woods, Chicago, IL

Various Things Discussed

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the two winners of the log rollers donated by WyoCrewe and there’s a new contest for Walgreen’s pill bottle containing a nano cache and GONIL Pathtag donated by DinaWorks!

54: Happy 2nd Anniversary

March 15th, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: We celebrate our 2nd anniversary with green beer (St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner), Two, count ’em, two geocaching bomb scares! THUSA responds! MacWin gets a Hebrew lesson from Scott. Walt goes off on Amber Rose. Scott and Walt praise SuperDawg! And, of course, there’s the contest, emails, milestones, and the question of the show!

Podcast 54

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Gurnee Glenn turns 4000 FlatlndsCoffeeClutch | GC2MJKN | Zion
Mind Grind: Touring Joliet Mall brijac | GC1JDAH | Joliet
Ziggy Vs I Lose My “FLY” While FTF Bonefishing ziggy1fan@aol.com | GC3CRC0 | Chicago
Operation A.P.E. – Mission 1: Splashdown Walt Grogan | GC3CR9H | Wheeling

Walt’s Recent Caches

Ziggy & Fuzz 163 by ziggy1fan@aol.com | GC2TFJP | Schaumburg, IL
My Old Stomping Ground by Greenback | GC3A32V | Chicag0, IL


A TopperCache is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the beauty of Davy Jones’ voice, never goes out of style!

Scott: The DEATHTRAP Genius Loci | GCED34 | Northbrook
Walt: Monster Cache by Team Cochrane | GC1ZZ2K | Buffalo Grove, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: A Positive Dream KodyDog00 | GC3E3F1 | Buffalo Grove
Walt: Blizzard by NightCrawler2 | GC31BKQ | Urbana, IL

Various Things Discussed

Suspicious package a prank

Geocaching Game Triggers Disneyland Lockdown

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of the North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce – Oregon’s Mt. Hood Territory coin donated by FootSoSaurus and there’s a new contest for 2 log rollers (which means two winners) donated by WyoCrewe!

53: THUSA – Where are You?

March 1st, 2012

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: We razz THUSA and wonder where he’s been! Scott “teaches” us about the festive Jewish holiday of Purim. Walt has a LEO encounter with Scrappy Scout. We talk about Leap Day and the various cachers vying for a 10-Icon Day! We coin a new geocaching term! There’s a recap of Cabin Fever II and we remember Davy Jones! All this plus milestones, emails, the question of the show, and Geritol!

Podcast 53

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Leave No Stone Unturned tea4tilrmn | GC2WQWC | Mount Prospect
From the writings of Hesiod 4xkrat | GGC3AM5H | Vernon Hills
The Kinks #1: You Really Got Me Walt Grogan | GC29Q6Z | Des Plaines
Mongoose66’s Steady Run to 1000 Tzinny & n9tog | GC36VNY | Prospect Heights

Walt’s Recent Caches

Necropolis by Doctor-Who | GC311E3 | Des Plaines, IL
Gibberish…aura zit? by CacheForager | GC27Z6X | Indianapolis, IN
The severed story of Alastair Paine by CinemaBoxers | GC144WG | Union Grove, WI
C’mon in, Have some Cheese! by CinemaBoxers | GCYAEE | Pleasant Prairie, WI
Panda II by DaFia TreTy | GC2Z070 | Palatine, IL
the M Special by heathereb | GC2PE6Z | Long Grove, IL


A TopperCache is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the beauty of Davy Jones’ voice, never goes out of style!

Scott: Hiding Styles – Wooden Fence VerrueckteFrau | GC1CDMW | Schaumburg
Walt: ShazamMan & ScottBerks FTF an Unpublished Cache by EnPleinAire | GC29785 | Busse Woods, Elk Grove Village, IL

Caches of the Show

Scott: LOST Darth Leviosa | GC3850B | Vernon Hills
Walt: Barrel of Puzzle Monkeys (Chicago Geocacher 50th) by toppercat | GC3A1F9 | Mt. Prospect, IL

Various Things Discussed

The festive Jewish holiday of Purim

Davy Jones Official web site

Scripts for using Google Maps in Geocaching.com

Chrome Script – http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/126244
Firefox Script – http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/125949
Greasemonkey – https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/
Podcacher – http://www.podcacher.com/2012/02/show-360-0-geotourism-case-study/

Contest Winner

Listen this week for the winner of the Canby Area geocoin donated by FootSoSaurus and there’s a new contest for the North Clackamas geocoin also donated by FootSoSaurus!