This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: What’s going to happen? A 10-minute podcast, perhaps? Or do we go longer? We hit on our favorite caches, read some mail, honor some milestoners and announce the contest winner!
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Scott’s Recent Caches
Walt’s Recent Caches
A TopperCache is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like a Louisiana Saturday Night, never goes out of style!
Caches of the Show
Various Things Discussed
Bremerton police warn geocachers to stay away from headquarters
Where did Scott get his amazing hat? Listen to the show to find out why is he so in love with the company!
Contest Winner
Listen this week for the winner of a pre-owned Walgreens pill bottle and a nano cache and a GONIL Pathtag (donated by DinaWorks) and there’s a new contest for a Groundspeak Geocaching logo patch!