48: DougBob!!!

December 14th, 2011

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: We have two microphones, count ’em, two! Do we sound any better? It is certain! Will it improve the quality of the show? Outlook not so good! Will DougBob give us another shot? Our sources say no! Scott regales us with tales of Festivus! Walt actually found some caches! We reveal this week’s contest winner. The email bag is over-flowing … and more milestones! And we answer the Question of the Show. Sit back, relax and join the fun!

Podcast 48

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

The Kratchy Memorial Cache by realitysfault | GC2ZEAT | Norridge
Century Park VitaCourse Multi by mrxhill | GC38JBA | Mundelein
Akiteflier’s 1000th: The Case of The Missing Kite by kodydog00 | GC382HK | Mundelein

Walt’s Recent Caches

Aunts like caching by BlueNacho | GC2GXP0 | Palatine, Illinois
Tog and Tinzie: A Cacher’s Tale by TomEagle55 | GC30EFE | Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Coppers Dicks & Gumshoes 10 by ziggy1fan@aol.com | GC2VG92 | Palatine, Illinois
Playing Dirty West Of Nellies by rikjaxon | GC347P4 | Palatine, Illinois


A TopperCache is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the sound of quality microphones, never goes out of style!

The Brat Stop by cthulhu jr | GC1EJH7 | Pleasant Prairie, WI
Weee! by tskyrocket | GCQAJR | Hoffman Estates, Illinois

Caches of the Show

The Eventful Day Challenge by n9tog | GC37JAE | Chicago
e pluribus duo by tachoknight | GC2PRCB | Chicago, Illinois

Various Things Discussed

The 3rd Annual Jewocaching Day Flash Mob!
Chicago Geocacher 50th Episode LIVE Spectacular
The 12 Geocaches of Christmas
GPS Visualizer
Couple finds love’s coordinates through geocaching
Fingers, tongue found in jar in forest preserve turn out to be fake

Contest Winner

Listen to the show or check back next week to find out who won a Signal the Frog travel bug donated by TeamTardis! And don’t forget to enter this episode’s contest to win an activated (but adoptable) Groundspeak Lost & Found travel bug donated by DinaWorks!

47: Out of Cache!

November 30th, 2011

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Walt’s comes up short! Scott, coincidentally, has a mini-LEO encounter. The contest entrants dot their “I”s And we answer the Question of the Show. Sit back, relax and join the fun!

Podcast 47

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Just an Ole’ Stump #2 by tnt63 | GC360J3 | Libertyville
Baseball Cable Guy by adymax | GC32MQM | Hanover Park
Ziggy vs Keith Stone by Ziggy1Fan | GC363W6 | Wauconda

Walt’s Topper Caches

Boat Wreck by IGotADisneyJeep | GC33Y4M | Naperville, Illinois
Arachnophobia by geofogies | GCQC63 | Northbrook, Illinois
Danger Park 4 (Dr. Ehcacoeg’s Lair) by toppercat | GC3066Q | Arlington Heights, Illinois
Petrifying Springs Artisian Well by Table 4 6 | GC1Y33R | Kenosha, Wisconsin


A TopperCache is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the ultra-cool style of James Bond, never goes out of style!

Where Did You Grow Up KU Jayhawk? by KU Jayhawk | GC1WDXA | Wilmette

Scott’s Cache of the Show

C4CH3 by Blackdogivy | GC382CV | Wauconda

Contest Winner

Listen to the show or check back next week to find out who won a Geocaching and Scouting geocoin donated by DinaWorks. And don’t forget to enter this episode’s contest to win a Signal the Frog travel bug donated by TeamTardis!

46: The Line? Yep, We Crossed It…

November 17th, 2011

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Walt’s brings up an interestingly named cache! A lot of contest entrants but how many correctly answered it? Scott races to 5K but has slowed down! And we answer the Question of the Show. Sit back, relax and join the fun!

Podcast 46

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. by Walt | GC36NQR | Busse Woods
Word Search Cache by Chemster | GC37HNC | Deerfield, Illinois
Knot Just Another Tree by b – team | GC35JTM | Kildeer, Illinois

Walt’s Recent Caches

A Darien Delight by SaschaSeeks | GC2Q4GB | Aurora, Illinois
Tarbaby by stashtracker | GC36MR0 | Aurora, Illinois
I See London, I See France… by G.O. John and Carol | GC36DNE | Aurora, Illinois
Pole Position by SaschaSeeks | GC2T52R | Darien, Illinois
GOJAC Goes Completely Nuts! by G.O. John and Carol | GC2WAT9 | North Aurora, Illinois


A TopperCache is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the hotness of Sade, never goes out of style!

A Tree with Plumbing? by tskyrocket | GC1R6HW | Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Kopperud1 by Team Luvcampen | http://coord.info/GC1TNJ1 | West Allis, Wisconsin

Caches of the Show

SB5K: Spice World [Final] by Kodydog00 | GC3776K | Busse Woods
Falcor and the Bonobos by The Machine | GC1294F | North Aurora, Illinois

Various Things Discussed

Contest Winner

Congratulations to drank! He’s the proud winner of a a set of Groundspeak standard travel bugs donated by Walt.

45: The Rapture = Chinese Take Out

November 2nd, 2011

This week on the Chicago Geocacher Podcast: Walt’s mustache has a doppelganger! A favorite cache goes missing. Scott still hates Star Trek! Walt still loves Elisabeth Shue! We reveal this week’s contest winner. What’s up with ShazamMan? There are a lot of out-of-state emails … and more milestones! And we answer the Question of the Show. Sit back, relax and join the fun!

Podcast 45

To download this episode, please visit the iTunes music store!

Scott’s Recent Caches

Hiking in business attire by TurtleFan | GC33N98 | Glencoe, Illinois
Roles by Tzinny | GC358WD | Northbrook, Illinois
Basket of Eggs by WBA Chamber | GC2ZAA9 | Cedar Creek, Wisconsin

Walt’s Recent Caches

End of the Rainbow! by Panther in the Den(bow) | GC309DD | Chicago, Illinois
Trick or Treat for the FLC by TomEagle55 | GC2B3QZ | Schaumburg, Illinois
WOW! nature in urban surroundings 2 by hmart316 | GC1W620 | Chicago, Illinois


A TopperCache is a notable hide Scott and Walt have found in the past which, like the vastness of Busse Woods, never goes out of style!

The Gate by Mr. Charlie | GCYMYT | Libertyville, Illinois
Beim Fahrradweg – ein Cache für VerrueckteFrau by BAT and Princess Margie | GC1BKRZ | Hoffman Estates, Illinois

Caches of the Show

Right Off the Path by Odyn | GC36PQN | Lake Forest, Illinois
Big Art : Early-Bird Special by BDKnel | GC2WZB1 | Schaumburg, Illinois

Various Things Discussed

The Vault by toppercat | GC325JH | Elk Grove Village, Illinois was muggled!!

71-year-old who shot at geocachers gets 7 years
11 YEARS OF GEOCACHING: Interest has grown at an explosive pace thanks to players’ creativity
Nevada UFO town cashes in on ‘geocaching’ game

Contest Winner

Either listen to the show or check back next week for the winner of the a set of Groundspeak standard travel bugs or nano cache or whatever Walt can dig up! donated by Walt.